


Further details



General Planning Committee Training


All Committee Members and Substitute Members and open to all Members


(Parish Members will be invited to some sessions throughout the year)

Essential Planning awareness and refresher training for all members delivered by internal officers, covering:

·         Planning Induction

·         River Medway Cycling Scheme

·         Developing and Determining Planning Applications

·         Conditions and reasons for refusal and S106

·         Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans, NPPF and NPPG

·         Enforcement

·         Transport and Heritage

·         Further CPD Sessions (TBC)


When new legislation is introduced our internal officers will ensure that all members of the committee and substitute members are kept up to date and will carry out briefings/workshops as necessary with the support of Learning and Development.


£2000 has been allocated for Planning Committee to bring external training on specialists subjects.


Up to £2,000 + Officer Time


















Planning Tour




Planning Committee Members and subs




This is a tour of local planning sites and is used as a learning tool through observation and discussion. The tour of planning sites is part of the MBC Constitution’s Planning Code (Section 13).  The Planning Code states that this tour has to be arranged at least annually.


Officer time only and any expenses




Licensing Training

All Licensing Committee

Members and subs

An induction for all new Members and refresher training will be completed every year on Licensing Act 2003, Hackney Carriage/Private Hire, Gambling Act 2005, Street Trading, Sex Establishments and scrap metal dealing. Further sessions for all Members on procedural matters and updates as appropriate.

Officer time only


Audit Committee Training

Audit Committee Members and subs

Audit Governance and Standards Induction



Officer time only



Safeguarding Training

11 October 2017

Open to all Members

Safeguarding policy, practice and training is required to ensure knowledge and understanding is up-to-date. This training will be met through briefings provided by Officers.


Officer time only


Community Safety

4 September 2017

Open to all Members

This will cover community safety, the legislation and statutory duties on local authorities, gangs and activity in Maidstone and an overview of the work to tackle them.

Officer time and external resource paid for by CSU


Local Government Finance

Open to all Members

Internally run briefings on local government finance. 

·         Finance and Budget briefing

Officer time only


MKS Briefing

10 July 2017

Offered to all Members


An update for Members about Mid Kent Services.

Officer time only


Depot Open Afternoon

19 July 2017

Offered to all Members


The afternoon will include Q&A sessions with service managers, demonstrations of equipment and a tour of the facility. 

Officer time only


Equality Refresh

Offered to all Members


This session will provide Members with an overview of equalities as part of ongoing professional development. The Council has a duty to fulfil this as part of the Equalities Act, which supports good decision making by ensuring that the Council considers how different people will be affected, helping them to deliver policies and services that are efficient, effective and accessible to all by meeting different types of people’s needs.

Officer time only



LGA Conference


4-6 July 2017


The Leader to attend this conference.


£545 PP

+ expenses


Low Carbon Transport Conference


22 June 2017


Cllr D Burton

Cllr English

Conference titled ‘Cost Effectiveness in a Low Carbon Economy’. Chairmen of Planning Committee and Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee



Inductions for New Members

18 May 2017

All New Members


·         Essential points in the Constitution

·         Decision making at Maidstone Borough Council

·         Protocols for Committees and Council meetings

·         Responsibilities under the Code of Conduct

·         Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Significant Interests

·         Responsibilities as a Council under the Data Protection Act

Officer time only


Chairing Skills

12 and 14 June 2017

Offered to all Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen


·         To consider the tasks and roles required in chairing meetings

·         To examine the practicalities of managing meetings

·         To observe and consider the skills of effective chairing in action


Attendees will be supported to consider:

·         Why effective chairing is important

·         The key roles of a chair

·         Effective preparation

·         Handling the mechanics of any meeting

·         Encouraging participation and discussion

·         Handling conflict – dealing with the personalities

·         The legalities of council meetings

·         Chairing for success – reaching and presenting decisions

(LGA part subsidise this course) £1,200 + expenses

Standards Training

13 and 24 July 2017

Offered to all Members


A presentation covering the legal framework, local arrangements for dealing with complaints and the Code of conduct, followed by working through a number of real-life scenarios with members, taking into account any particular local circumstances. 

£900 + expenses

Procedural Training

27 and 29 June 2017

Offered to all Members


Legislative framework

Roles at meetings – what makes a good meeting?

Constitution and procedures

£1,550 + expenses

Speed Reading

17 July 2017

Offered to all Members



By the end of the workshop Members will be able to:

·         Speed read a range of information

·         Understand the information they are reading to ask questions and make decisions



·         What we read and what we are required to do with what we have read

·         Speed reading Vs. “slower” reading

·         Reading off the screen and reading off paper

·         How to speed read – tips and techniques

·         Retaining and understanding what we have read

·         Developing questions and making decisions

·         Putting it into practice

·         Learning points, action planning and evaluation


Learning methods:

The workshop will be highly participative, with facilitated group and individual working and lots of exercises in speed reading using a range of information a Member would be expected to read and action, input from the facilitator and individual action planning

£600 + expenses

Member Personal Development Planning

Offered to all Members


Member Personal Development Planning sessions are also on offer to any member delivered by the Mid Kent Learning and Development Manager.


In addition - other training sessions that are included on the Corporate Training Calendar are also on offer to members.



Officer time only









Total currently allocated


Budget for 17/18




