Agenda and minutes

Licensing Act 2003 Sub Committee - Thursday 16th June, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone

Contact: Oliviya Parfitt  01622 602032

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.



Notification of Substitute Members


There were no Substitute Members.



Election of the Chairman


RESOLVED:  That Councillor Brindle be elected as Chairman of the meeting.



Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.



Disclosures of Lobbying


Councillor English said that whilst not exactly lobbying, he had had a conversation with Councillor Mrs Robertson, a Ward Member, about the application to be considered.



Exempt Items


RESOLVED:  That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed except for the Sub-Committee’s deliberations regarding the application for a new premises licence which will take place in private.



Question and Answer Session from Local Residents


There were no questions from local residents.



Questions from Members to the Chairman


There were no questions from Members to the Chairman.



Application for a new Premise Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 for Piragathi Limited, 2 - 3 Appledore Court, Hildenborough Crescent, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 0PA pdf icon PDF 236 KB

Additional documents:


The persons participating in the hearing were identified as follows:


Chairman – Councillor Brindle

Committee Members – Councillors English and Joy

Legal Advisor – Helen Ward

Democratic Services Officer – Debbie Snook

Senior Licensing Officer – Lorraine Neale

Applicant – Kajanan Gnanasegaram (remotely)

Applicant’s Representative – Gill Sherratt (remotely)


There were no representatives of responsible authorities or other interested parties in attendance.


Written objections had been received from Mrs Laura Green who was unable to attend the hearing.


The Sub-Committee agreed to proceed in the absence of the objector whilst having regard to her written representations.


All parties confirmed that they were aware of the Sub-Committee hearing procedure and that they had each received a copy of the hearing procedure document.


The Sub-Committee Members confirmed that they had pre-read the papers regarding the hearing.


The Senior Licensing Officer outlined the application and the objections received from Mrs Green.  It was noted that:


·  The application had been made by Piragathi Limited for a new premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the premises 2-3 Appledore Court, Hildenborough Crescent, Maidstone, Kent. The licensable activity applied for was the sale and supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises between the hours of 7.00 a.m. and 11.00 p.m. Monday-Sunday with the same opening days and hours.


·  No objections had been received from the responsible authorities in respect of the application.


·  One objection had been received from another party on the grounds of all four licensing objectives (Crime and Disorder, Public Safety, Public Nuisance and Protection of Children from Harm).


·  The concerns were that:


  Granting a licence at these premises would increase the level of anti-social behaviour in the neighbourhood.  The premises could encourage people who buy alcohol late to remain in the area because of a local nearby park.  They could potentially use the park to consume their alcohol and ultimately cause disturbance.  There was also the potential for criminal activity, criminal damage, theft, burglary, assault and drug taking.


The store could also increase the volume of traffic to the area and to a later time which would increase the danger for residents and children crossing the road.  It would also be detrimental to residents with regard to traffic noise continuing later into the evening and increased vehicle parking causing nuisance to residents.


Ms Sherratt, the applicant’s representative, then made her opening statement.


Ms Sherrat explained that:


·  Mr Gnanasegaram was the sole director of the company (Piragathi Limited) and had significant experience in selling alcohol.  He had worked at Maidstone Food and Wine for over four years and had held a personal licence for over two years.  He had never encountered any problems with alcohol sales.


·  After being an employee for all this time, Mr Gnanasegaram had decided to open his own business and invest in his future, which was the reason for the application.  He was investing over £40,000 in the premises and had chosen to partner up with Premier/Booker.  His store would be a Premier convenience store.  The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.