
To view Reports/Decisions prior to 1 January 2012 please go here

Decisions published

15/03/2024 - Bearsted Road Improvements MBC Contribution ref: 1504    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval of the Bearsted Road Improvements Maidstone Borough Council Contribution.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development

Decision published: 15/03/2024

Effective from: 23/03/2024


That recommendations 1 and 2 of the report, be agreed.

Wards affected: Boxley Ward;

Lead officer: Chris Inwood

13/03/2024 - Over-arching Conservation Management Plan ref: 1503    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the Over-arching Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan being publicly consulted on, and for this to be facilitated by the Head of Development Management via delegated powers.


The document has been drafted to address concerns that there was limited guidance on the 22 Conservation Areas that do not have either a Conservation Area Appraisal or Management Plan.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development

Decision published: 13/03/2024

Effective from: 21/03/2024



1.  The Overarching Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan be approved for public consultation; and

2.  Delegated powers be given to the Head of Development Management to allow for public consultation, as required under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990.


Wards affected: Barming and Teston Ward; Bearsted Ward; Boughton Monchelsea and Chart Sutton Ward; Boxley Ward; Harrietsham and Lenham Ward; High Street Ward; Leeds Ward; Loose Ward;

Lead officer: Janice Gooch